Good for you!

As a new joining member (and hopefully soon a raving fan) you’re officially signed up for Josette’s FREE DEEP CORE TRAINING SECRETS Webinar.

This breakthrough ‘core training‘ strategy, backed by science, can SERIOUSLY move the needle when it comes to YOUR progress and time WELL spent on something important to you: Your health and wellness.

That said...

After The Deep Core Training Webinar Is 💯 Completed …
You’ll be invited to join other VIP’s jumping into the next step:  8 week Primal Pattern Performance Challenge to practice squatting, lunging, twisting, bending, pushing, pulling and balancing on one leg.

What a revelation!

Once this 8-week MOVEMENT MASTERY challenge is completed you’ll be amongst our most MOTIVATED and COMMITTED members, READY to progress further by signing up for:

- LIVE reposted weekly Masterclasses: Tuesday 1pm-2pm

- Perfect Fit Videos

- Q & A ‘On The Mat’: Exercise Performance

- Replays: Josette’s Professional Presentations

Lastly, stick around friend, the link to ASCEND to VIP master trainings is given at the end of the Webinar. - part 3

This DEEP CORE preparation you’re about to DIVE into is to ensure you are ready and safe to proceed with other VIP’s on a path to more progress.

In this community we progress together. Enjoy this VERY IMPORTANT PLACE (VIP) for your BODY and MIND.

With love,
- Chrysalis In Home Training
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